Anyway, have you read Hikari's blog yet? That girls got some question problems... Reading her list made me dizzy. Majorly. Annika is probably going to use my account to free the tension of her emotionalness. In other words, she'll be ranting alot.
Omg, I'm like an obessed dweeb now. I spent the whole morning reading fics about AAMl. I'm an dork, admit it. After this, I better go pratice some sword fighting. I'm probably going to back out.. I'm too lazy these days. Maybe, I'll curl up with a book or go eletrecute soem Aphy kids hair and makeup stuff. It's hilarious to watch their reactions. If they tell me 1 more time to curl my hair (Lacey), I'll make her hair spring.
I'm ranting aren't I? By now, you readers must of fellen asleep, I'm boring, I guess. *Shrugs* Don't expect random stuff from me or stugg like that. I try to live my life normaly as possible you know...
This blog isn't the best idea.. I'll type a few more sentences before going off to torment Lacey. I'm already seeing what she'll say about my straight as a stick hair. *Yawns* That will give me an excuse to turn her hair to crisp. See you next time.